
Site Credits
Many thanks to the people who had a role in Exploring Maryland's Roots:
Maryland Public Television
Gail Porter Long, Vice President, Education & Community Outreach Department, Chief Education Officer
Christie Timms, Consultant, Education
Caroline Payson, Director, Educational Services
Carol Jackson, Director, Educational Productions
Ann Klimas, Director, Instructional Design and Educational Content
Betsy Peisach, Director, Education Marketing
Ann Klimas, Director, Instructional Design and Educational Content
Ben Graff, Writer, Content Development Consultant
Karen Kane, Writer
Carol Jackson, Director, Educational Productions
Bill Gonzalez, Project Manager
Chris Klimas, Associate Online Producer
Linda Sacenti, Storybook Illustrator
David Tauriello, Producer, Online Education
Bill Beustring, Associate Producer
Liz Manning, Associate Producer
Linda Donovan, Department Secretary
Kevin Hall, Intern
Jill Marcellus, Intern
Drew Uhrig, Intern
Jennie Corwell, Intern

Bean Creative, Inc
John Davidson, Audio Mixer, MPT
Frank Leung, Videographer, MPT
Kim Moir, Videographer, MPT
Tim Pugh, Videographer, MPT
Jonathan Cohen, Paradigm Sound
Chip Nusbaum, Videographer & Sound Technician, See Spots Run
Suzanne Clewell, Ph.D., Faculty Associate, Johns Hopkins University
Joseph G. Czarnecki, Ph.D., Literacy Consultant
Nancy Davis, Museum Deputy Director, Maryland Historical Society
Suzanne Horn, 8th Grade Teacher, Loch Raven Academy
Peter Lowe, Ecologist, CPSGS
Ann Nanney, 4th Grade Teacher, Mt. Washington Elementary
Dr. Edward Papenfuse, State Archivist, Maryland State Archives
Dr. David Terry, Research Specialist, Maryland State Archives
Leah Walczak, Education Coordinator, Historic St. Mary's City
Chris Graybill
Jan Johns
Julie Kurzava
Dr. Robert Sapora
Kristen Udowitz
A special thanks to the Staff and Historical Interpreters of Historic St. Mary's City who graciously lent their time, talent, and expertise to this site:
- Dorsey Bodeman
- Rod Cofield
- Jan Dabkowski
- Ed DeNeale
- Joe Greeley
- Silas Hurry
- Fred Johnson
- DJ Lavery
- Kurt Masdea
- Aaron Meisinger
- Dr. Henry Miller
- Mary Norris
- Dr. Tim Riordan
- Lynn Ryan
- Jenny Steiner
- Sara Whitt
- Susan Wilkinson
- Susan Zickel
A special thanks to the staff and researchers at the Maryland State Archives for appearing as experts, researching, and writing case studies and biographies in the Library section:
- Jennifer Copeland
- Maria Day
- Dr. Edward Papenfuse
- Emily Oland Squires
- Dr. David Terry
A special thanks to the staff and archaeologists of Historic London Town and the Lost Towns Archaeology Project for appearing as experts and donating their time and knowledge to this site:
- Eleanor Anderson
- Gavin Ashworth
- David Gadsby
- John Kille
- Dr. Al Luckenbach
- Lisa Plumley
- Molly Ridout
- D.L. Smith
- Allison Stanley
Thanks to all the individuals and organizations who contributed resources to this site:
Dr. Martin Allen, Aid in research, images
Birmingham Public Library -Rucker Agee Map Collection, Images and maps
Bonaventure, Images
Dr. Lois Green Carr, Expert research advisor
Jennifer Cassou, Aid in research
Ed Chaney, Aid in research, images
Yvonne Crumpler, Aid in Research
Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Images
Peter E. Egeli, Cross-section drawing of Ark
Fitzwilliam Museum, Images
GBC, Inc., Images
The Isca Morrismen, Images
Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum, Extensive aid in research, images
Maryland Historical Society, Images
Maryland State Archives, Research partner, extensive aid in research, images
Christine Parker, Video
Suzette R. Rice, Video
Dave Temens - aerialtours.com, Images
United States Library of Congress, Images
University of Alabama Cartographic Lab, Images
