
Solve the Mystery of the Three Lead Coffins
- Remember to share the information in the Help Section prior to starting the activity. Students can read and listen on-line, or you could print copies to read before, during, and after their work with this interactive.
- Support students in reading the Help Section both before reading and before solving the mystery of identifying the people.
- In this interactive, site visitors will explore a real mystery that confronted archaeologists and historians at Historic St. Mary's City. The story unfolds as a storybook, complete with illustrations.
- Narrated versions of the story are available. Narration can be selected by clicking on this icon:
. This feature is particularly useful for less skilled readers, or readers who learn most effectively by listening.
- There are three printable resources that can help students negotiate the story:
- A vocabulary list
- A list of clues historians and archaeologists used to track down the identity of the people in the coffins
- A worksheet to help students record clues as they read through the story
- Consider printing the table of contents to use as a handy reference in the classroom.
- A text-only version of the story is also available.
