
What Equipment Do I Need to Use this Site in my Classroom?
A computer in the classroom with access to the Internet or access to a computer lab
- This site requires Macromedia's Flash 6 or higher to display all the video and activities. If you do not have the Flash Player, please visit Macromedia's website to download it for free.
- If you have more than one computer in your classroom, consider allowing teams or groups of students to visit the site during one class period. Make sure to bookmark the site for easy access. You can preprint HELP sections of the interactive activities to introduce the information your students will interact with as they complete the activity.
- See our Technical Tips for more details about the technical requirements of the site or if you're having trouble.
A display device that you can use to show the site to the entire class
- Ask your tech support person or department to check on availability and tips on usage. If you do not have such a device, consider allowing teams of students to visit the site in rotation.
Speakers or headphones (optional)
- Some of the activities have video segments that require sound for optimal performance.
- Headphones are particularly useful in a computer lab setting.
- A printer (optional)
You can print certain pages of the site for use with your class.
