
Journey to a New Life
- Before beginning work on the interactive, you may want to review these vocabulary terms.
- Remember to share the information in the Help Section prior to starting the activity. Students can read and listen on-line, or you could print copies to read before, during, and after their work with this interactive. The Help Section of the interactive has a timetable that may be particularly useful for students to use in following this adventure.
- In this interactive, a young person is accused of stealing and is sentenced to an indenture with Lord Thomas Cornwalys, who is getting ready to sail on the Ark to the colony Lord Baltimore has established in the New World. On the voyage, site visitors can meet crew people who help them examine the ship and find out a bit about life aboard during the four months it took to reach Marie's Land. "Voyagers" can also try their hand at activities such as naming the parts of the ship and preparing food for all onboard.
You might want to print out this Diagram of Pages/Choices. You can use it to preview and understand the structure of the story yourself, or share it with students so they can track the decisions they make. You can also use a copy of the cross-section of the Ark that is part of the interactive to help students review information they found there. There is also a complete map of the voyage that you can print and use with your classes.
You can jump to any page of the story from the story map at the top of the interactive. The story map mirrors the information found on the printable diagram of pages/choices. If students need more than one class period to complete the interactive, or if you have to re-start the interactive for any reason, students can use the story map to pick up the story where they left off.
- Narrated versions of the story are available. Narration can be selected by clicking on this icon:
. This feature is particularly useful for less skilled readers, or readers who learn most effectively by listening.
- Students might want to keep a journal of their work with this interactive, much as Father Andrew White reported the progress of the Ark in his diary.
