
Create Your Own Museum
- Before beginning work on the interactive, you may want to review these vocabulary terms.
- Remember to share the information in the Help Section prior to starting the activity. Students can read and listen on-line, or you could print copies to read before, during, and after their work with this interactive.
- In this activity, site visitors are asked to select six items to create a display that they think tells the most important facts about the colony of Maryland and the people who were the first Marylanders. They can select from 67 images of actual artifacts from this time period. Before they make a selection, users can click on the items to see a larger image of them and read about the image. When they place each item in a display, users will be prompted to write a "display card" that visitors to their museum would read to learn more about the item and why it was selected.
- To introduce this interactive, you may want to talk with students about museum displays they have seen, helping them establish criteria for the displays they have found most effective.
- Remind students that they must save on a disk, print, or email their completed museum display. Their choices are not automatically saved on the computer. All the information will be lost when the computer is turned off.
- Arrange printed copies of the display around the room. Direct students to walk around the room to observe the displays in a kind of gallery walk. You may want to provide an observation sheet for students to use in reviewing the exhibits.
