
Go on an Archaeological Dig
- Before beginning work on the interactive, you may want to review these vocabulary terms.
- Remember to share the information in the Help Section prior to starting the activity. Students can read and listen on-line, or you could print copies to read before, during, and after their work with this interactive.
- There are three layers of activities in this interactive. Each gives students an opportunity to become a virtual archaeologist, looking for clues from past civilizations.
- In the first layer, Dig In, users can move a trowel over the area to uncover 8 objects buried in the dirt. After an object is uncovered, users can click on it to guess what it was and find out more about the object.
- In the second layer, Dig Deeper, users can uncover and identify 9 additional items.
- In the third layer, Uncover the Puzzle, users can expose 18 objects that are all part of an actual Yaocomaco pottery vessel, built during the late Woodland Indian period (900 - 1650 AD) of clay and ground oyster shells. It was probably used for cooking and storing food. More clues about the vessel appear when all the pieces have been uncovered and placed correctly on the right-hand side of the screen.
- Less skilled readers may best work in cooperative pairs or learning groups to work with this interactive and to respond to the multiple choice questions. They may read aloud the evidence they collect when they uncover an artifact.
- Print this Artifact Overview to preview items students can uncover while exploring the dig.
